This is all the more reason for us to question the decade old Air Toxics Benchmark program in Oregon. We need to press the state to ensure that the best new science is taken into consideration when new air toxics benchmarks are adopted. The problem with these benchmarks, if they stand on their own, is the false pretense they provide for polluters. These allow company's to assert, like ESCO did in a letter to the NW Examiner in December last year, that the toxic releases that have put 35 of Portland schools in the top 5% of schools across the nation with the worst air due to the aggregate load of toxic industrial air pollution, are "doing no harm."
Please help us send a strong message to the DEQ and the EQC - the rule making body for that agency - that we expect the state to adopt air toxic standards that are protective of public health, particularly children and other vulnerable populations, who live in urban areas with high industrial air toxics. Sign the petition here.
And attend the hearing on May 18th:
Public Hearing on Air Toxics Benchmark Rulemaking
DATE: May 18, 2010
TIME: 6 p.m.
LOCATION: ODOT, Main Floor, Conf Rm AB
Address 123 NW Flanders, Portland
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